

A Letter To You

From Theresa & Elizabeth

It has been a banner year for our national parks. From victories that protect our favorite national parks to the creation of new park sites that further preserve our nation’s land, history and culture, we have a lot to celebrate.

That’s why we are so pleased to share with you the National Parks Conservation Association’s 2023 annual report, For the Parks. For Us All. Forever.

Together, we successfully advocated for the establishment of four new national park sites and monuments that preserve some of our nation’s most significant historic sites and stunning landscapes so these places, and the stories they tell, will be around for future generations to experience. We also helped protect parks across the nation from harmful development, like defending Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks and Preserves from the proposed Pebble Mine. And with so many advocates, donors and supporters – including you – we secured nearly $1 billion for the National Park Service to invest in staffing, infrastructure and climate resilience projects.

We also continued building a new generation of national park champions, empowering new voices to stand up and speak out for the places we all love. We taught groups of young people how to advocate for our parks, engaged veterans and their families in park volunteerism, and brought partners and volunteers from around the country to make advocacy asks during more than 230 congressional office visits.

The victories you helped us achieve over the last year will help parks thrive for another one hundred years. And as we look to the future, we know the work we are doing today will leave a lasting legacy for our national parks. Together, we are ensuring that parks are protected, preserved and accessible – for us all, forever. It would not be possible without your support. Thank you.  

Theresa Pierno

President & CEO

Elizabeth Waddill

Board Chair

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MARO Tree Planting with Girl Scouts
Gateway National Recreation Area
Outdoor Afro Event at Biscayne National Park

Who We Are

Since 1919, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has been America’s only nonpartisan, independent voice for the national parks. From opposing logging in Olympic National Park’s old-growth forests during World War II to advocating for new parks, such as Pullman National Monument, NPCA has fought to protect America’s most treasured places and preserve our most important stories.

NPCA founder Robert Sterling Yard knew that our parks needed a community of voices, independent of government, to speak out and protect them. Today, we are that community of voices. NPCA and our 1.6 million members and supporters are safeguarding the landscapes, stories and cultures that make up the unique fabric of our nation for the next century and beyond.

Over the last year, we have secured victories that will help national parks thrive. Congress invested $2 billion to restore waters in the Florida Everglades and across the Great Lakes region. The designation of Amache National Historic Site permanently preserves the experiences of Japanese Americans incarcerated in Granada, Colorado during World War II. Years of NPCA advocacy paid off when President Biden restored protections to three national monuments in Utah and off the New England coast.

As an organization, NPCA continues to find creative ways to engage a new and diverse coalition of park supporters. We launched our Veterans Council to provide an avenue for the military community to defend parks through service projects and advocacy. We hosted our first hybrid Salute to the Parks gala. You can learn about these victories, events and more online at our website.

Generations of park advocates helped create the national parks we enjoy today. With your help, NPCA can continue to preserve the stories of our past while strengthening the parks of today and planning for the parks of tomorrow.




Impact Stories

New Parks

Avi Kwa Ame Before
Avi Kwa Ame After

We made history together! After years of tireless advocacy, a Park for Till is finally a reality. The site will forever ensure the world has another opportunity to learn Emmett Till’s story and experience Mamie Till-Mobley’s legacy. Thank you for helping make this vision a reality.

Defending Parks

Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Blue Ridge Parkway
Bears at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park
 A bear fishing at Katmi National Park
NWRO TMC Olympic Beach Cleanup – (C) NPCA
On the Hoh (C) NPCA
Bear Coast Trip Showcase – (C) NPCA
Square Inch of Silence Hoh Rainforest – (C) NPCA
AKRO Bear Coast Hike – (C) NPCA
AKRO Bear Coast Veterans – (C) NPCA
NWRO TMC Olympic Beach Cleanup - (C) NPCA On the Hoh (C) NPCA Bear Coast Trip Showcase - (C) NPCA Square Inch of Silence Hoh Rainforest - (C) NPCA AKRO Bear Coast Hike - (C) NPCA AKRO Bear Coast Veterans - (C) NPCA Blackwell School, Marfa, TX (c) Bob Kinkle The Tallahatchie County Courthouse in Sumner, MS where Emmett Till’s murder trial took place-(c) Alan Spears, NPCA Katmai National Park (c) davidkl Acadia National Park (c) F11photo Dreamstime Bears Ears National Monument (c) Arlene Hochman Waller Dreamstime Amache National Historic Site (c) Beth Schneider Photography Sequoia National Park (C) Anna Dudko

Salute to the Parks

Award Winners

Yellowstone Bourbon

National Park Defender Award

Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

During National Park Week 2023, NPCA named Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey the recipient of its second annual National Park Defender Award — an award that recognizes a corporate partner that goes above and beyond to create lasting impact in park protection. First crafted in 1872, the same year its namesake national park was designated, Yellowstone Bourbon is now run by seventh-generation distiller and national park advocate Stephen Beam.

Since 2018, Yellowstone Bourbon has partnered with NPCA on numerous campaigns to educate and inspire its customers to take action on behalf of parks, including NPCA’s Talking Parks campaign, the commemoration of Yellowstone National Park’s 150th anniversary and NPCA Park Talks. Yellowstone Bourbon heightened its efforts in June 2022 in the wake of record-breaking floods that devastated infrastructure at its namesake park and surrounding communities. With Yellowstone Bourbon’s help, NPCA and the Bozeman community raised nearly $100,000 to support the relief effort.

Yellowstone Bourbon became NPCA’s largest annual corporate donor, with contributions totaling $285,000 in fiscal year 2023. In addition to their generous donations and to further raise awareness of NPCA’s mission, Yellowstone Bourbon released a special-edition NPCA collector’s label on 60,000 bottles of Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, including a QR code that directed consumers to an landing page where they could learn more about park protection.

NPCA applauds Yellowstone Bourbon for being an outspoken corporate leader committed to protecting national parks and inspiring the next generation of park advocates.

2022 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Award

Amache Preservation Society

During National Park Week 2023, NPCA named Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey the recipient of its second annual National Park Defender Award — an award that recognizes a corporate partner that goes above and beyond to create lasting impact in park protection. First crafted in 1872, the same year its namesake national park was designated, Yellowstone Bourbon is now run by seventh-generation distiller and national park advocate Stephen Beam.

Since 2018, Yellowstone Bourbon has partnered with NPCA on numerous campaigns to educate and inspire its customers to take action on behalf of parks, including NPCA’s Talking Parks campaign, the commemoration of Yellowstone National Park’s 150th anniversary and NPCA Park Talks. Yellowstone Bourbon heightened its efforts in June 2022 in the wake of record-breaking floods that devastated infrastructure at its namesake park and surrounding communities. With Yellowstone Bourbon’s help, NPCA and the Bozeman community raised nearly $100,000 to support the relief effort.

Yellowstone Bourbon became NPCA’s largest annual corporate donor, with contributions totaling $285,000 in fiscal year 2023. In addition to their generous donations and to further raise awareness of NPCA’s mission, Yellowstone Bourbon released a special-edition NPCA collector’s label on 60,000 bottles of Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, including a QR code that directed consumers to an landing page where they could learn more about park protection.

NPCA applauds Yellowstone Bourbon for being an outspoken corporate leader committed to protecting national parks and inspiring the next generation of park advocates.

Amache Preservation

Amache Preservation Society



National Parks Thrive 46.5% 11.5% National Parks T ell Stories of All Americans 22.9% National Parks are e for Everyone 8.7% Management and General 10.4% Fundraising
Program Services National Parks Thrive National Parks Tell Stories of All Americans National Parks are for Everyone Total Program ServicesSupporting Services Management and General Fundraising Total Supporting ServicesTOTAL EXPENSES:Change in Net Assets: $25,212,063 $6,245,538 $12,426,147 $43,883,748 $4,719,049 $5,630,095 $10,349,144 $54,232,892 ($3,113,654)


Contributions Grants Contributed Services Bequests Membership Dues Marketing Income Events Other Revenue Investment Income (Net)Change in Value of Charitable Gift AnnuitiesTotal Program Services $28,448,755 $3,990,883 $4,694,291 $5,342,649 $1,835,257 $1,424,405 $672,225 $248,106 $4,748,494 ($285,827)$51,119,238
-10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Over the years, donors have sought to provide for the long-term fiscal stability of National Parks Conservation Association and its work protecting America’s National Park System. Some endowed funds have been created with gifts in honor or in memory of, special individuals. Endowed funds may be restricted for specific programs or aspects of NPCA’s conservation work. Such gifts are invested, and only a portion of the annual earnings is available for programs expenses each year, as directed by the Board of Trustees. 

Norman G. Cohen Park Education Endowment 

This fund, in honor of a former Board of Trustees chair, supports education activities for Washington, D.C.- area youth to help them appreciate and understand the parks.     

EDAR Endowment

Created by Armstrong Chinn, Jr., this is a permanent endowment fund to further NPCA’s mission for the protection and enhancement of the national parks.  

Frank H. Filley and Family Endowment Fund

This fund provides unrestricted support for park protection programs. 

General National Parks Conservation Association Endowment Fund 

This fund, initiated through the generosity of John and Jane Strandberg, provides perpetual support for NPCA’s current programs and park protection initiatives.  

Gretchen Long Endowment

Members of the Board of Trustees established this fund to honor former Board of Trustees Chair Gretchen Long for her outstanding voluntary leadership and service to National Parks Conservation Association. 

Stephen T. Mather Aware for Excellence Endowment Fund 

Endowed by Booz Allen Hamilton, this award is presented annually to employees of the National Park Service for exemplary service. The endowment is named for the first director of the National Park Service and cofounder of NPCA.  

Northeast Regional Office Endowment

This fund was established to support NPCA’s work in the Northeast region.

Park Protection Endowment

Funded by an anonymous donor, this endowment was established to enhance NPCA’s long-term financial base and further the organization’s goals of protecting and enhancing national parks.

Kathryn B. Sehy Memorial Endowed Internship

This endowed internship was established in memory of Kathryn B. Sehy by her husband, Lawrence Sehy.

H. William Walter Endowed Internship Program

This fund was created to support and NPCA internship program for college and graduate students to gain experience at a park conservation organization and possibly pursue a career in the field.

Yellowstone Conservation Fund Endowment

This fund was created as a permanently restricted endowment for the purpose of broadly supporting NPCA’s work to protect the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Ruth Hammett Memorial Desert Protection Endowment 

Created to honor the life and legacy of Ruth Hammett, a longtime supporter of NPCA and our national parks, to support the work of the California desert region. 

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Donors & Supporters

Our dedicated and passionate supporters have made the victories in this report possible. We are pleased to recognize the numerous individuals, foundations and corporations that have provided philanthropic support to NPCA. We are so grateful for your role in ensuring NPCA can remain a strong leader for our parks.

Photo & Author Credits